NOTICE: (Updated March 5, 2010)

Beginning December 19, 2009, Books 'N Border Collies will be posting but only intermittently while I pursue personal goals. I plan to share some reading I'm doing, but there will be no reviews. I will, however, be sharing my exploration of vegetarian cooking and the cookbooks and websites I use to educate myself. I hope you enjoy it!


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Book Reviews In General

Now that I've started to get a handle on things, I've begun to post reviews of books I've read. I don't really think "review" is the correct word to use, but lacking a more descriptive prospect off the top of my head, I'll just go with it. I'm not a critic, I'm not a literature major, I'm not an aspiring writing. I'm just a big fan of books. I don't really plan on posting "reviews" so much as simply my thoughts on the books, whether I liked them or not, and who else may enjoy them. I won't be rating them as my feelings on books tend to change as time goes on. I can never really tell if a book deserves a personal 4 or 5 star rating until long afer I've read it. It's only then that the truly memorable reveal themselves. Some may find my musings helpful or interesting, others may not. Fair enough. If I can help even just a few fellow readers discover a new favorite they may have otherwise missed, I'll call it a job well done!

Happy reading everyone!

1 comment:

Somer said...

Your take on book reviews seems to be pretty much the same as mine. I'm terrible at writing reviews, but I do like to give my thoughts. I will rate books on sites like LibraryThing or GoodReads, but I've found when looking back that my ratings on different sites don't always match and that my opinion definitely changes over time!