OK. Real life is no longer cooperating at all, so here is the plan: I'm going to go to bed soon and just read until I fall asleep. Then in the morning I'll let you all know how far I got.
I've had a great time today even though I didn't get near as much reading in as I wanted to. Next time I'll know just what to expect! Because I am doing this again some day!
Good luck and good reading to all who are aiming for the full 24 hours! I can't wait to see everyone's final results!

Nite Lezlie. It's still pretty early yet here. I just settled in to snuggle with the dog, the computer, some junk food and my books. Have a good sleep.
Sleep well, and congrats on all the reading you accomplished today!
Kim at Sophisticated Dorkiness
It is still early here too, but I've been up since 5 and am afraid if I go anywhere near my bed I'm a gonner.
Taking care of yourself is more important. Sleep well Lezlie. And thanks again for the support.
Sweet sleep, Lezlie! I'm glad you go to play, too!
Have a great night... enjoy your sleep! Thanks for reading with us.
Have a good sleep--I'll be envious of you shortly, I'm sure! And glad you could join us.
Hopefully you had a lot of fun in your readathon participation! And enjoy your sleep!
Sleep well, and I hope you got far before falling asleep! It sounds like you made great progress anyway - when Real Life doesn't cooperate it makes things difficult!
Happy reading!
Sounds like a good plan. Happy reading and sweet dreams!
So smart to abbreviate: RAT!
Good Luck Lezlie, keep going!
Darn that real life! I hope you were able to snuggle down and get a little bit more reading in before yo fell asleep.
*smiles and quiet cheers..shh..
(page after page)
Morning Lezlie, hope you slept well! I know what you mean, knowing what this looks like I would also organise myself differently next time!
Thanks, everybody! I lasted until midnight, and I got some great sleep! :-) I'll post my final count in just a little while. First I want to see how everyone else held up! I'm always especially impressed by the ones who actually make the whole 24.
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