To history, she is known as "Juana la loca", Juana the Mad. But was this daughter of the incomparable Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon and sister to the first wife of Henry VIII truly driven to madness by grief? Or were there other more malevolent factors at work?
What a great book! I read Juana's story stunned at the cold betrayal of family and "friends". I wanted to rail at her husband, her mother, her father. I was so emotionally pulled in by The Last Queen

Visit C.W. Gortner at his official website Historical Boys. And while you're at it, check out this video trailer for The Last Queen. Very cool!
lol again Lezlie-you have me adding yet another book to my list. This sounds so good. I love books that make me feel so emotionally involved in the story. Thanks for another great review!
This sounds great! Oh, and I like your signature. Very Cool!
I really want to read this!
Dar ~ I'm glad I'm striking gold for you! I have had a string of really good books that looks to continue judging by the pile next to the bed. :-)
Chartroose ~ It's a wonderful book. And the author is a really nice guy! I got the signature from You can do some really cool stuff on there!
Marg ~ I think you'll love it. We seem to have very similar tastes. There's another book out there about Juana called "The Scroll of Seduction" that is on my TBR also. I'm anxious to get to it and see how it compares.
Great review! This one is on my TBR.
BTW, I have been a great admirer of your signature and clicked on it today. Now I have one too. Thanks!
Teddy Rose ~ You won't be disappointed when you read it. And I looooove your new signature on your blog! I originally heard about the site from J. Kaye.
this book looks amazing! i love fiction about this time period. thank you for your comment on my blog...i am excited to meet new people.:)
Amy ~ Meeting new people is one of my favorite parts of blogging, too. Thanks for the return visit!
I really enjoyed this book, too! While I never had to put the book down, it wasn't particularly comfortable reading, and I did dream the world, not the glamorous beginning, but the end with all Juana's insecurities and anxieties.
Thank you, Lezlie, for the great review! I hope your readers enjoy the book. I am touched by all the marvelous support the blogging community has given me.
Jena ~ Uncomfortable is definitely a good word. I don't know if I'd have held up even as well as she did in this story!
Mr. Gortner ~ Thank you so much for stopping by! And you're most welcome for the review. I'm now drumming my fingers impatiently for your next book! :-)
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